Mistress Angelique Page 8
“Dante please!!!” She screamed, the pain, the pleasure her body couldn’t take it. But still he sucked at her wounded nipple. His fingers rubbed and stroked her clit as he suckled on her. The pain competed with the pleasure, his fingers so skilled, so precise he quickly brought her to orgasm, but still the pain was there almost adding to the pleasure.
“Shhh.” He whispered gently kissing her lips. He reached up and unhooked her. “Shhh.” He gathered her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He laid her down gently and carefully laid on her. “Did that hurt, Angel?”
“Yes.” She sniffed.
“Did you like it?” He gently moved her hair from her face.
“Yes.” She smiled at him.
He growled and rammed his cock into her pussy. He rose up onto his knees lifting her up with him. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and came down on his cock as hard as she could, matching him stroke per stroke. Her nails scraped up his back; she wanted to draw his blood as he done to her.
“Ahh.” He threw her into the bed then pulled her under him. He took both of her arms and pulled them over her head. He entered her again slamming his cock into her as hard as he could tightening his grip on her wrists. She wrapped her legs around him and squeezed hard. He growled loudly as he felt her biting his chest.
“You vicious bitch.” He arched up and looked down at her face; he saw his blood run down her chin.
“You cruel bastard.” She hissed tightening her legs around him.
He rode her faster and harder pulling her arms up higher. He looked down and saw her wince this brought him over the edge. He roared his orgasm as he continued to thrust violently into her. He rolled off her and laid down next to her.
“Have you learned your lesson, Angel?” He said breathing hard.
“Well, I believe I am in need of more training, Master.” She climbed on top of him and placed her hands behind her back. “Teach me, Master.” She purred.
Chapter 18
“Bazil.” Dante rumbled as he entered Bazil’s chambers. Trina and Bazil fell to their knees in front of him. Dante spotted the brush in Trina’s hand. “Continue what you were doing.”
Trina sat back down on the settee and Bazil sat down on the floor in front of her. She resumed brushing his long, silky golden hair.
Dante went into the bathing room and grabbed a washcloth. He wiped the bite wound on his chest. “Master, what has happened?” Bazil rushed into the bathing room and grabbed another washcloth. He gently washed the scratch marks on Dante’s back.
“Nothing to concern yourself over, Bazil.” Dante watched Bazil in the mirror as he gently cleaned the wounds.
“Who did this?”
Dante smiled seeing the anger flash on Bazil’s face. “Sometimes my Mistress and I play a little rough.”
Bazil wrung out the washrag and started cleaning the bite wound. “Do you enjoy this?” Bazil looked up into Dante’s face.
“Sometimes, but never from you Bazil, I enjoy you the way you are.” He smiled and stroked Bazil’s hair. Bazil tenderly kissed the bite mark on Dante’s chest then he went behind him and kissed at the scratch marks. Dante was truly touched by Bazil’s concern. “I will be alright, Bazil these are but love marks.”
“I am sorry, Master but I don’t like to see marks on you, even if from your Mistress.”
“Come here Bazil.” Dante cupped Bazil’s face in his hands. “This is what I treasure about you my Bazil, your tenderness.” He kissed Bazil softly on the lips. “Now go play with your new toy.”
“Master Dante.” Bazil quietly said as Dante turned to leave.
“What is it Bazil?” He paused in the door way.
“I want to be with you.”
Dante turned around and held out his hand to Bazil. “Come Bazil, I will make love to you then you can sleep by my side.”
“Thank you, Master.”
“No, call me Dante for now, just Dante.” Dante led Bazil into the room, he shooed Trina away and spent the rest of the afternoon loving Bazil.
Leo quietly went down the darken stairway that led to the dungeon. He studied every step it took to get here. Mistress’ chamber was well guarded, so to was Dante’s and the Playground, other than that one could move freely in the castle. This path Leo could avoid the guards. But how to lure Dante down here, for this he would need bait. He counted the steps as he descended. “Twenty five.” He said quietly. He slowly opened the heavy wooden door and entered.
“Ah.” Leo wrinkled his nose. The stale smell of mildew blasted him. He meticulously studied everything in this room. Restraints lined the walls, a large wooden table was in the center of the room, two prison cells off to the back, all sorts of strange devices lined the left wall and restraints lined the right wall. Leo walked over to the table. “How medieval.” He chuckled. He heard few have been sent to Angelique’s dungeon and those who have were scarred for life. Yves was her dungeon keeper, Leo shuttered thinking of what that man was capable of.
Leo stepped back from the table and just stared at it. He smiled envisioning Dante laying on the table completely helpless. His eyes caressed the restraints on the right wall; here he pictured Bazil naked and beaten. He looked back down at the table, mentally seeing Dante begging for Bazil’s life. His eyes shot over to left wall and straight for the branding iron. He reached his hand into his pants and pulled his cock out, he slowly stroked as his vivid fantasy continued to play out in his mind. He would use the hot iron on Dante repeatedly before going over to Bazil and searing his flesh with it. Leo stroked faster, his eyes locked on the dagger that hung on the left wall. He saw himself grabbing the dagger and holding it to Bazil’s throat. “Do you remember a woman named Samantha Green?” Leo whispered as his fantasy still played in his mind. He assumed Dante wouldn’t. “She was a beautiful little red haired woman, when she smiled her dimples would always add charm to her face. Do you remember her now?” He stroked his cock faster envisioning himself cutting Bazil’s throat when Dante couldn’t recall Samantha, then he would hurry to Dante and watch the pain in his eyes as he helplessly watched Bazil die. “Samantha wanted to learn to be submissive for me; this is what brought her to your mansion.” He stroked his cock faster and faster as visions of him slicing Dante’s flesh filled his mind. “You used her, brutalized her, and completely broke her sprite. I didn’t want this!!!” Leo’s voice echoed through the dungeon he was so deep into his fantasy he could almost smell Dante’s blood. “When she came home she was just a shell. She wanted nothing but you, she begged me to let her return to you.” He pulled and tugged at his cock, mentally picturing slicing some more at Dante. “She wouldn’t eat; she just stared out the window and continuously begged for you.” Leo stroked faster and faster at his cock, in his mind he had sliced Dante’s throat. He threw his head back and came all over the table. He stood there breathing hard looking at the floor both of his hands now on the table. “I came home from work and found my Samantha hanging in our bedroom. The note only read she couldn’t live without Master Dante.” Leo fell to the floor and started to weep.
Chapter 19
Brent walked down the hallway toward Bazil’s room. A few more days to go and he would be out of here. He wished he could talk Bazil in to coming with him, but Aurora’s words had touched him. “What does it matter who your brother loves, all that matters is that he loves.”
He stopped in front of Yves’ room when he heard Jarvis screaming. He couldn’t just walk away this wasn’t in his nature. He took a deep breath and entered the room. “What the hell are you doing to him?!” Jarvis was tied up to the wall with some sort of strange contraption around his balls, what appeared to be weights hung from it pulling Jarvis nut sack down, stretching and contorting it.
“Get the fuck out of my room, flea.” Yves went back to what he was doing adding more weight to the contraption.
“He is in pain.” Brent barked.
“No shit. Now get the fuck out.”
Yves did
n’t expect Brent to tackle him. Both men wrestled on the ground, both wanting desperately to hurt each other.
“What is going on here?” Angelique stood in the doorway. Raven and Stavros right behind her. “Break them up.” The two men hurried into the room and pulled Yves off Brent.
“This asshole just barged in here.” Yves spat at Brent. Raven had to really hold on to him to keep him from attacking Brent again.
“Yves, you are going to break your doll.” Angelique scolded. She went over to Jarvis. “You.” She pointed to a small man huddled in the corner.
“Yes Mistress.” He hurried to her.
“Take this off him.” Angelique walked over to Yves. “I am going to take your doll away for a few days. You are going to kill him and I don’t really need that headache dealing with the police and everything.”
“Yes Mistress.” Yves pouted.
“As for you.” Angelique looked over at Brent licking her lips. “Mmmm, bring him to my chambers.”
“Yes Mistress.” Stavros said. Brent struggled making it real hard for Stavros to pull him out of the room.
“You better help him Raven.”
“Yes Mistress, but…”
“What is it my sweet?”
“Let me stay in your chambers while he is there. He might harm you.”
“Ah, your concern is touching my sweet. Tie him to the marble post if it makes you feel better. Wait at second thought tie him down to my bed.”
“Thank you Mistress.”
“You, get dress and follow me.” She motioned to Jarvis.
“Yes Mistress.” He fumbled with his pants barely strong enough to put them on.
“Yves, you must be more careful with your playthings.”
“Sorry Mistress.”
“Come on.” She was growing impatient with Jarvis. He hurried behind her and followed her out of the room.
Brent kicked and struggled to get away from Raven and Stavros. “You are only making things harder on yourself.” Raven looked down at him.
“You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Brent growled.
“Stupid asshole.” Stavros added.
They carried Brent into Angelique’s chamber then quickly tied him down to the bed. Raven made sure his restraints were tight. “Have Marcus stationed outside the door, just in case this bastard breaks free.” Raven grabbed Brent’s jaw tightly. “If you harm her I will kill you.”
“If I get loose I will treat her with the same kindness she has given me.”
Raven squeezed tighter. “Listen carefully, if you harm my Mistress your brother screams will fill this castle before I come and tear you apart.” He slapped Brent’s face then stood up.
“You leave Bazil out of this.” Brent struggled violently with his restraints.
“That depends on you, doesn’t it?” Raven and Stavros knelt down on one knee as Angelique entered.
“My sweets.” She ran her hand lovingly through their hair. “You may go to the playground.”
“Thank you Mistress.” Both replied. Stavros got up and left but Raven remained kneeling in front of Angelique.
“What is wrong?”
“Mistress allow me to stay and protect you.”
“I will be fine, now go play.”
Raven stood up quickly and pulled Angelique to him. “Please, Mistress he will hurt you.”
“Raven unhand me.”
“I beg your forgiveness.” Raven fell back down to his knees.
“I can’t stay mad at you, my sweet.” She cupped his face and lifted his eyes to hers. “I will be alright; Marcus will be right outside the door.” She stroked his cheek. “I will call him immediately if I feel threaten, will this make you happy.”
“Thank you Mistress.” He gently grabbed her hand and kissed it softly.
“I will play with you in a little while, now go enjoy yourself.”
“Yes Mistress.” Raven stood up shot Brent a deadly look then left.
Angelique slowly walked over to the bed. “Well, feisty one how shall I play with you.”
“Fuck off.” Brent hissed.
“Oh, my I will have to break you won’t I.” She smiled so wickedly it gave Brent chills. She grabbed a small whip off her nightstand. She struck him five times across the chest.
“Untie me you little bitch then we can really play.” Brent struggled with his restraints.
“Ummm, you are turning me on. You are so much like Dante it makes my pussy wet.”
“I am nothing like that bastard!!”
Angelique laughed then slowly started removing her white silky dress. Brent’s cock grew hard looking over her beautiful body, despite his best efforts otherwise.
“You men are so predictable, all a woman has to do is show you her tits and pussy and you get all work up whether you hate her or not. Well, let’s see your cock.” She grabbed her dagger and cut Brent’s pants from his body. “Umm, nice.” She purred grabbing his hard cock.
“Get your fucking hands off me.”
“You are not in much of a position to do shit about it.” She laughed. “Oh, is my pussy getting wet, you are a very sexy man.” She stood up. “Shall you see how wet my pussy is?”
“Go ahead rape me bitch, but I assure you it won’t be you that I picture in my mind.”
“I am so wounded.” She feigned tears. She climbed on the bed and crawled up his body until her pussy was right above his face. “See how wet my pussy is.”
“Get off me!!” Brent tried to move his head but her legs prevented it.
“Doesn’t my pussy smell so good?”
“Get the fuck off me bitch.”
She lowered down and began slowly rubbing her pussy against his face. “I strongly suggest you lick my pussy.” She started laughing when she felt him trying to bite her pussy. “I like that by the way.” She rubbed faster. “See how wet you make my pussy.” She sat down firmly and rubbed faster she could feel his nose sliding in an out of her hole. “You never answered my question doesn’t my pussy smell good?” She rubbed faster and harder until she brought herself to orgasm.
She climbed off his face. “You nasty fucking bitch.” Brent growled.
“You enjoyed it.” She grabbed his cock. “Yeah, harder than ever.”
She reached over and grabbed a towel, she wiped his face off. “There better.” She walked over to her wooden trunk. “Tell me feisty, have you ever been fucked up the ass before?”
“Of course not!”
“Aren’t we homophobic.” She walked back over to the bed carrying a strap on cock in her hands. “You know they say a man who protests too much about gay men…” She secured the good-sized rubber cock, so that it would rub her clit as she used it. “… dreams about sucking cock or having a nice big cock rammed up his ass. Is this you Brent?”
“I have no desire for cock.”
“Really, we will see.” Angelique hit a little button on the side of her bed.
“Yes Mistress.” Marcus entered the room.
“Come here and suck my cock.” Angelique smiled up at him. Marcus rushed to her and fell to his knees in front of her and immediately took the rubber cock into his mouth. “Watch Brent, mmm, look at the way he sucks on it. Imagine him doing the same thing to your cock.”
“You sick bitch.”
“Very good Marcus.” She stroked his hair as he swallowed her rubber cock. “Now my sweet turn him over and position him to take my cock up his ass.”
“Yes Mistress.” Marcus grabbed Brent and flipped him over. He quickly positioned Brent so he was laying on his stomach. He grabbed two large pillows and shoved them under Brent’s hips lifting his ass into the air, Brent couldn’t move, he was completely helpless.
“Very good, Marcus. You may leave now I will call you back shortly.”
“Yes Mistress.”
She waited for Marcus to leave. She grabbed a tube of lube and greased up her rubber cock. “This will make you cum so hard.”
“I will kill you if yo
u fuck me in the ass.”
“Enough foreplay.” She slapped his ass.
“Don’t you bitch!!” Brent yelled, he started to panic when he felt her rubber cock rub up against his ass.
“Please don’t.” Brent quietly said.
She grabbed his hips and entered him in one quick movement. The pain raced through his body, his ass stretched so much that it might tear. “Hurts doesn’t it?” Angelique laughed.
Brent was helpless, ashamed, and angry. He bit his lip to prevent himself from crying out. He wouldn’t give her the pleasure.
“What a nice ass you have, Brent.” She slapped his ass cheek hard. “Mmm, watching my big cock disappear into this divine ass is so delicious.” She thrust harder, the strap rubbed against her clit with each stroke. “You like this don’t you?”
“Fuck off.” Brent grabbed the sheets, breathing in shallow, quick breaths anything to keep from yelling.
“Now comes the pleasure, feisty.” She reached under him and grabbed his cock; she stroked his cock at the same pace she thrust into his ass. “Try to hide your pleasure from me, I dare you.” She laughed.
Brent felt his orgasm build despite his best effort not to give in. She stroked and thrust faster. His orgasm exploded so violently he couldn’t stop himself from crying out.
“Yes, oh yes.” She grabbed his hips and thrust faster the strap rubbed and rubbed until it brought her to an exquisite orgasm. “Mmm, that was so good.” She purred pulling her cock out of him. She unstrapped her cock and let it fall to the floor. “You liked to be fucked up the ass didn’t you.”
“Go to hell.”
“Seeing how you’re cum is now soaking into my sheets, I would say you loved it.” She laughed wrapping herself in a silky robe. “Marcus untie him and take him to his chambers. I have used him enough for now.” Angelique watched Marcus untie Brent. “I will tell Master Dante what a sweet ass you have; maybe he will honor you by fucking that sweet ass.”