Heavenly Surrender Read online

Page 3

  “What is wrong?” he said, holding her tighter to him.

  “Nothing, I just don’t like this flying crap.”

  “Just a little longer.”


  Tasmos couldn’t believe what the lesser-angel reported. Kannon had killed the dove to hide the fact he was bedding a demon General. “Thank you, I am sorry for the loss of your friend,” he said petting the dove.

  He paced around his quarters then he walked out to the balcony. He could see so far across the kingdom of Heaven from here. Alisha loved to look out across all this beauty. He felt the aching of his heart and the anger in his blood as he gazed out. His eyes locked onto Prolo’s oasis. No one was allowed inside unless Prolo summoned them. Lush tropical foliage, a large white castle rose up out of it, waterfalls, beautiful wildlife all made up Prolo’s oasis. But the rest of Heaven was different for everyone. Tasmos looked out and saw the meadow and the forest where he and Alisha spent a lot of time when they were on earth, this was his heaven. Slowly the picture was beginning to erode as his anger took over his mind.

  “I will not sit idly by and let Kannon live,” Tasmos growled. He was sure now it was indeed Kannon who murdered Alisha, it had to be.

  He walked back inside and grabbed his silver dagger strapping it onto his thigh. “Alisha, I am sorry,” he quietly said. If he killed Kannon his soul would be destroyed. But he couldn’t just let Kannon live. Knowing he would face Prolo’s anger just for leaving even if he couldn’t find Kannon, still Tasmos cared not. He took flight and headed for the tunnel.

  “Tasmos, you are forbidden from leaving.” Two guards placed their spears out to block the exit.

  “Do you wish to fight me?” Tasmos’ spear appeared in his hand. The two guards charged him, he quickly knocked both out. He took one last look out across the beauty of Heaven then headed out of the tunnel.


  Ryker woke up and quickly came to his feet. It took him a moment to realize where he was. “Good Morning Ryker,” Ryo said

  “It’s morning?” He couldn’t believe he actually fell asleep.

  “Here.” Gabriele threw a bag full of donuts at him. “That’s all I could find in town this early.”

  “Aren’t you going to eat?” Ryker said sitting back down.

  “Nope.” Gabriele turned towards Ryo. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know but I sense something powerful heading this way.”

  “Kali?” Gabriele heard Ryker quickly coming to his feet.

  “No, this is different. I haven’t ever sense something like this before.” Ryo grabbed his sword as his eyes turned toward the sky. “Whatever it is, it’s closing in, ready yourselves.”

  Gabriele tossed Ryker a pistol and smiled at his quick reflexes as he caught it. “Don’t shoot unless Ryo tells you to, soldier boy.”

  “Don’t worry about me, huntress.” Ryker kept his eyes toward the sky not quite sure what he was supposed to be looking for. He gasped as Ryo launched into the air. “Holy shit…” he whispered, seeing the height of Ryo’s jump.

  Ryo came back down and went instantly on guard. “A male, but I have never seen a demon General fly before,” Ryo said.

  “What does this mean?” Saban said, aiming his gun to the sky.

  “Don’t do anything until we know what it is first.”

  Everyone aimed their various weapons up as the man descended from the sky. He looked like he was in a battle judging by his torn and bloody clothes. Ryker cleared his mind and tried not to think how this big blonde-haired man was able to fly and instead kept his gun aimed at this guy’s head.

  “Please don’t shoot…my name is Kannon, I am an Archangel…”

  “What the hell do you want?” Gabriele cocked her shotgun.

  “A demon General attacked me…you are Asurul’s demon hunters are you not?”

  Ryo motioned for everyone to lower their weapons. “Yes, where is this demon?”

  “She is several miles back, I believed I have wounded her but I am too weak to kill her myself.” Kannon fell to his knees.

  “I don’t like this Ryo,” Gabriele said, still aiming her shotgun at Kannon.

  Ryker followed her lead and raised his gun back up. Something was wrong here he could feel it too, though he didn’t understand why.

  Ryo quickly looked back up to the sky and raised his weapon. “Ready yourselves.” Something more powerful than this Archangel was closing in fast.

  “What is it?” Gabriele said as she too felt the strong presence.

  Ryker saw the fear in Kannon’s eyes. “Gabriele…this one.” He shouted out just as Kannon started to take flight. Gabriele launched up after him catching him off guard, she grabbed hold of him and threw him back down. Ryker immediately rushed over to them but was thrown back by some sort of blast. He quickly got back up and saw everyone was knocked over. He crawled over to Gabriele; she was lying knocked-out on the ground. He grabbed her shotgun and stood guard over her.

  “Who the hell are you?” he said, cocking the shotgun as the dark-haired man slowly descended down.

  “I am the Archangel Tasmos and you would be wise not to get involved.”

  Gabriele slowly sat up, her head was pounding. She saw Ryker standing above her with a shotgun aimed at some guy. “If you come one step closer to her I will blow your fucking head off,” Ryker growled.

  “Don’t worry mortal, I have no desire to hurt Asurul’s hunters.” Tasmos reached down and pulled Kannon up to him.

  “Tasmos…” Kannon could see the rage in Tasmos’ eyes.

  “Why would an Archangel hunt his own kind?” Ryo spoke up.

  “This doesn’t concern you hunter.” Tasmos slowly pulled out his silver dagger.

  “It does Archangel when you threaten Ayden. Take your battle elsewhere.”

  “Ryo…” Gabriele slowly got up. Ryker quickly turned around and helped her to her feet. “Ayden,” she said, looking up into Ryker’s face. He quickly helped her over to where Ayden was buried.

  “Ryo, what the hell is coming.” Gabriele never felt a power like this before.

  “Prolo,” Ryo quietly said. “Everyone stand guard, nothing, not even Prolo must get to Ayden.” Ryo gripped his sword.

  Ryker reached down and scooped up two pistols then handed them to Gabriele. “Okay what do I do?”

  “Shoot anything that comes near Ayden,” Gabriele said.

  “No Tasmos,” a voice boomed.

  Tasmos lifted the dagger into the air and just before he struck Kannon the dagger dissolved.

  Ryker felt the ground around him shake. An evil feeling spread throughout his body. “Back off Prolo,” a deep growling voice rumbled through the air.

  “Ryo, Lasax.” Gabriele pointed her gun towards the ground.

  “They can’t physically come to this world, Gabriele.” Ryo lowered his sword as Tasmos let go of Kannon. He watched Kannon take flight and Tasmos sink to the ground.

  “What the hell just happened?” Ryker asked.

  Tasmos slowly rose to his feet then took to the air. “I don’t know,” Gabriele replied. “Ryo?”

  “I don’t know Gabriele.”

  “Dissension in the ranks,” Ryker said.

  “What?” Gabriele asked.

  “Well didn’t you hear what they said, they were both Archangels…” Ryker paused, the words he spoke sounded crazy to him. “Anyways, the stronger one really wanted to do some bodily harm to the other. Now I don’t know if I am off on this one, but that wounded Archangel sure recovered pretty darn quickly once the other one showed up. So that tells me he was faking his injuries.”

  “Ah, Ryo, soldier boy might be on to something. But why would he do that?”

  “He is in league with whoever the Archangel’s enemy is,” Ryker added.

  “Kali…” Gabriele said looking toward Ryo.

  “We must move Ayden. I will summon Asurul.” Ryo hurried off. Prolo was on earth this can’t be, not to mention Lasax projected his presence to stop Prolo
. Something has happened but what. Ryo had no answers and only hoped that Asurul did.

  “Ah…eh… Ryker...” Gabriele looked toward the ground. “Ummm…thanks for …umm…”

  “Your welcome.” Ryker smiled at her.

  His smile lit his whole face up causing Gabriele’s breath to catch. “My shotgun,” she quietly said, holding her hand out.

  “Oh, here, nice weapon, very well made.” He gently placed the gun in her hand.

  Saban just stood there smiling at Gabriele. “What?” she snapped at him.

  “Nothing.” He still was smiling.

  “Not one word Saban.”

  “I wasn’t going to say anything.” He grunted when she punched him in the stomach and stomped off.

  Chapter 5

  Ryker stared in amazement as Asurul opened the ground and an amazing looking man floated out of it.

  “This is my son Ayden,” Asurul said to Ryker. “Nothing of this Earth, Heaven, Hell or Purgatory will harm him as long as I exist.” He turned his gaze to Ryker. “You have children, a wife?”

  “Once…” Ryker quietly said.

  “I shall not pry.”

  “Thank you.” Ryker watched as Asurul went to Ayden and gently caressed his cheek then Ayden disappeared. Ryker pushed back the memories, but the sound of his son’s laughter echoed in his mind.

  “What is going on, Asurul?” The sound of Gabriele’s voice eased the tide of emotions that threatened to flood Ryker’s mind. He was thankful to concentrate on the mission and completely focus on what Asurul was going to say.

  “I am not sure. All that I know is Prolo is confined to his oasis by the Creator for coming to earth. Lasax demanded punishment for Prolo. Of course making demands of the Creator is not the wisest thing to do. That is why Prolo was given basically a slap on the wrist.”

  “There were two Archangels,” Ryo spoke up.

  “Ryo, matters of Heaven don’t concern us. As long as none of this threatens Ayden then let the Angels battle amongst themselves.”

  “But doesn’t an Archangel forfeit his soul if he kills another one?” Ryo asked.

  “Yes, but like I said this doesn’t concern us. The only thing that bothers me is that Archangel is hanging around with Kali. Listen to me, unlike a demon an Archangel can’t be killed by normal means. He carries a silver dagger and only this dagger can kill him. So if you are forced to battle with him, get that dagger.”

  “The dark-haired one blasted us all in one swoop, how are we supposed to battle such a being, not to mention they can fly,” Gabriele added.

  “Tasmos is a General…somehow I don’t think he is our enemy.”

  “So only the General of the Archangels have such power?” Ryker asked. He soaked in everything Asurul was saying.

  “Yes Ryker, but don’t underestimate the other. Not to mention Kali is his companion.” This mortal man may just come in handy after all, Asurul thought, watching the concentration on his face.

  “So what do you want us to do?” Ryo asked.

  “Hunt the demon, but keep an eye on the Archangel. I would rather not make Prolo angry if it can be avoided. The Generals of Heaven are deadly enemies, the one thing a General of Hell fears most. So I would rather you, my hunters, didn’t have to battle with them. Now hurry to Ayden and we will wait and see what Kali will do.”

  Asurul disappeared. “This shit is unbelievable,” Ryker commented.

  “Okay, soldier boy, Saban is going to carry you so we can get to Ayden quickly,” Gabriele said as she quickly packed up her weapons.

  “I don’t think so,” Ryker said, backing away from Saban.

  “Would you rather I carry you?” Gabriele asked.

  “Like you could, just tell me where you will be and I will catch up.”

  “Saban.” Gabriele motioned toward Ryker as she picked up Saban’s weapon pack.

  “Hey put me down.”

  She couldn’t help but smile hearing Ryker’s protest. Saban had him thrown over his shoulder as they raced to where Ayden was.

  “Holy shit!” Ryker exclaimed, seeing everything go by as a blur. He could hear Gabriele’s laughter as he held on to Saban for dear life.


  “You look like you are going to throw up,” Kali said as Kannon descended from the sky.

  “Tasmos knows it was me. Prolo…”

  Kali could see the panic in Kannon’s eyes. “What is Prolo really going to do to you?” She wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Destroy my soul, send me to Lasax…” Kannon was breathing rapidly.

  “Calm down, baby.”

  “Calm down, tell me what you would do if you betrayed a demon General and now they were looking for you.”

  “I would kill him or her.”

  “Easy for you to say, you are more powerful than most of your kind. I am but a fledging, Tasmos is too powerful for me to fight.”

  “Prolo will not let him kill you. You said that he adored Tasmos, so what can he really do. Besides I doubt Prolo would kill one of his Archangels over some weakling guardian angel.” She watched as he visibly relaxed. “Just stay out of Prolo’s way for awhile until this all blows over. And if Tasmos thinks of touching you I will battle by your side.”

  “You would do that for me?”

  “Of course.”

  “But Tasmos is…”

  “Shh, you let me worry about him.”

  “Kali.” He stroked her cheek gently.

  “Now tell me what I can do to reward you for your bravery. If that damn Tasmos hadn’t shown up you could have easily subdued those hunters.”

  Kannon smiled down at her. “Well, mmmm.” He pulled her closer.

  Kali slowly started to remove his pants. “Yeah…ssss I love this cock,” she purred, holding it firmly in her hand. Little by little she lowered herself down kissing and licking her way as she went. She felt his hand tighten in her hair the closer she got to his cock. “Ooohh, so eager.” She flicked her tongue over the head of his cock.

  “Please don’t tease me,” he said breathily.

  Kali pulled his pants violently the rest of the way down then cupped his balls in her hand. She let her hot breath blow across his cock causing it to twitch. His hands tightened more in her hair pulling her closer. Leisurely she took his cock into her mouth, sucking and licking at the same time, all the while her hands massaged his balls gently. “Don’t you dare cum yet,” she said, rolling her tongue over the head of his cock.

  “Kali…” he gasped as she sucked faster and deeper. “Yesss…” he hissed as he began to thrust, matching her stroke per stroke.

  She moved her hands so now they were cupping his ass, kneading and squeezing as she continued to suck his cock. She accentuated the sucking noise she made knowing he loved this.

  The slurping sounds she made drove him right toward the edge, she sucked at an even pace slowly bringing him closer to going over. “Please, please…Kali,” he barely got out. He jerked when she slapped his ass. He looked down and saw she was looking up at him. He watched his cock disappear into her mouth and that look on her face. “KALI!!!” he screamed out as he climaxed. He thrust two more times deeply into her mouth wanting her to milk every last drop of his juice.

  “Mmmm….” She licked her lips as she stood up. “I told you not to cum yet, now you must be punished,” she said with a smile. She pushed him into the bed.

  “Oh damn let me catch my breath woman.”

  “Not a chance.” She pulled his hands over his head and tied his arms to the bed. “Bad, bad angel,” she cooed.

  “Punish me, demon,” he growled.

  She reached under the bed and pulled out a riding crop. She lifted his legs and brought them to his chest. “Hold them up,” she said, smacking him on the ass. She climbed on the bed. “Oh you will love this baby.” She lubed up the handle of the crop then slowly she inserted it into his ass. “Relax…” She slowly moved the crop in and out watching his face the whole time. “That’s it…mmm,” she purred
, watching the pleasure cross over his face. “Now leave this deep in you.” She reached up and slowly lowered his legs then she straddled his waist lowering herself down onto his cock. “Damn I love this cock,” she growled, sliding it in and out of her. She smiled then turned herself around and slowly lowered back down onto his cock. She reached down and moved the crop at the same pace she was riding his cock. She smiled hearing him crying out her name. Oh did his cock fill her, she closed her eyes and envisioned Lasax fucking her. The more into her fantasy she became the faster and harder she rode Kannon’s cock. Her whole body shuddered when her orgasm exploded. “Mmm, I needed that.” She slowly pulled the crop from Kannon’s ass then climbed off him and lay down beside him.

  “Kali,” Kannon was almost purring with contentment.

  “Rest for now, my love, then we will figure out what to do with those damn hunters and that mortal that travels with them.” Kali wouldn’t let Ryker live, but oh what fun the hunt will be.

  Chapter 6

  “Ryo this is messed up,” Gabriele said as they stopped. “Archangels…that dark-haired one was very powerful, more so than any demon we had ever fought.”

  “We won’t worry about him unless he poses a threat.”

  “Ayden is in there?” Ryker said as he caught his breath. He was bent over with his hand on his knees trying to stop himself from throwing up. Gabriele watched as he quickly recovered. She couldn’t help but smile.

  “Yes,” Ryo said going into the old building.

  Ryker surveyed the area. “There could be homeless people in there or worse, drug dealers.” He turned around and looked out across the city. “Chicago?”

  “Yep,” Gabriele said, sitting her weapon pack down.

  “But we were just in Brazil…how…”

  “We move fast. Relax soldier boy. It took us nearly half a day to get here after all.”

  “That would be no big deal if we took a plane, but….you were running.” Ryker ran his hands through his hair and took a deep breath. He had to focus on the mission not this freaky shit. He looked over at Ryo who appeared to be deep in thought. Apparently the weird stuff they just had been through was even pretty weird to these hunters too. “Excuse me... how are we suppose to find Kali if we have moved so far away from where she was?”